“Help is on the way” – Roadway Improvements Underway as First Phase of Construction
Hudson County Executive Thomas A. DeGise today announced the launch of HudsonCountyCourthouse.com, a new website to inform constituents about the Honorable Frank J. Guarini Justice Complex project. The County also announced significant progress regarding roadway work in preparation for construction of the new courthouse, including the near completion of the Central Avenue extension and the start of work to widen Oakland Avenue.

“Assignment Judge Peter Bariso put it best when he described our current court facilities as ‘essentially kept alive with Band-Aids,’ so even while we remain focused on responding to the coronavirus, we are thrilled to be moving forward with this long-overdue project,” said Hudson County Executive Thomas A. DeGise. “A courthouse is a once-in-a-generation project with unique security and functional needs, and our new website is designed to answer the community’s questions and keep residents informed on the project status. Even before we break ground on the new courthouse, this project will deliver immediate noticeable benefits to the Journal Square neighborhood in the form of an improved street network and reduced congestion. We’ve all been stuck in that Newark Avenue traffic, and I’m glad to say that help is on the way!”
The project website includes a project overview, renderings, history and need, benefits – including traffic circulation improvements and new open space, schedule, news updates, and frequently asked questions. Residents can also sign up to receive email updates on the project by visiting https://updates.HudsonCountyCourthouse.com.
The first phase of construction includes reconfiguring the street network, which will improve traffic flow through the neighborhood, reduce bottlenecks, and facilitate access to the Journal Square Transportation Center.
To date, the County has nearly completed the construction of the new two-way Central Avenue Extension, including relocation of utilities, concrete work, paving of the roadway, and construction of a new sidewalk along the north side of Newark Avenue between Central Avenue and Oakland Avenue. A new traffic signal will also be installed at the corner of Newark Avenue and Central Avenue. In addition, work has begun to widen Oakland Avenue from one-way into a two-way street.
The work may require the intermittent closing of streets during construction. The County is making every effort to minimize disruptions to the community. Overall, the roadway changes and upgrades include:
- Central Avenue, currently interrupted between Hoboken and Newark Avenues, will be reconnected by the two-way Central Avenue Extension Project.
- Oakland Avenue will be widened from a one-way street to a two-way street with parking on one side.
- Cook Street will be closed and absorbed into the project site of the Justice Complex.
- Hoboken Avenue will be closed between Oakland Avenue and Central Avenue to allow the proposed Courthouse and parking structure to share a single uninterrupted lot.
- A new traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Newark and Central Avenues (currently unsignalized).
- The traffic signal at Newark Avenue and Oakland Avenue will be upgraded to a 4-way signal.
- All traffic signals along Newark Avenue – at Five Corners, Central Avenue, Oakland Avenue, and Baldwin Avenue – will be coordinated to reduce traffic congestion.
In particular, the upgrades are expected to dramatically reduce wait times at Newark Avenue and Central Avenue during weekday morning peak hours.